Saturday, September 27, 2008

You'll Think Hard in the Voting Booth if you See this...

"It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong." -Voltaire, 1751

Before you go into the Voting Booth you must read this!!!!!! Read here

OBAMA Eligible to be President?

Obama Absolutely Linked to Unrepentant Terrorist Bill Ayers of
Weathermen Underground

Does the Obama -Bill Ayers connection matter? People will say that "well, he got off on a technicality, but he really didn't do anything." The facts are that he and his wife bombed the capitol, the Pentagon and more- -like saying killing the rich folks, bombing their houses/apartments and killing parents. He DID say it and DID do it and ADMITTED to Doing it and even bragged about it- - -saying "I don't regret doing it and wish we'd done more." The only reason he got off was because of inadmissable wire tip evidence. The issue isn't that he didn't do it and the FACT is Obama does KNOW him and KNOWS HIM QUITE WELL. HE is lying to you if he tries to downplay the association with Bill Ayers.

Obama Campaign to Get Voters and Involvement with ACORN is creating a Problem with
Voter Fraud....... Read more

Breaking News Oct 9, 2008 Obama Campaign in Serious Violation of Campaign Finance Rules......Read More

Ties to Nation of Islam ......Read More

Obama inseparably linked to Fannie Mae....

President George W. Bush and the Republicans to blame for the economy? Are you kidding? You need to see this one
To see a video that was pulled from You Tube "mysteriously" after going from about 500,000 views to well over a million in just one day click here . After word got out on it, pulled apparently due to some request by Warner Bros.......who happens to be a liberal company that is associated with AOL and Time Warner. The fact is it was so powerful they didn't want to risk the American People seeing it.

To See the Video they didn't want you to see click here.

This is a new video and tells the truth about the current Economic Crisis that the mainstream media would never show because it has potentially dire and defeating consequences if you and I and everyone else discover the real truth that has been hidden from us. The videos are true and supported by facts, not someone's opinion(s), if you have doubts research them. You can Google any of the issues/acts/bills/people/organizations mentioned in the videos and you will find everything is right on the mark. Its really hard to discount something when its said by the person and in their own words. If the video moves too fast you can use the pause button on the video player... Also, the video under it is a must see as well.......Be sure to watch all videos won't want to miss them!!!!!

The time has come to stand up at all costs, and to speak out, and to do our part in making sure that true change indeed comes to Washington. There is still time to register to vote if you have not done so, you have until October 10. You can click here to register to vote in this year's election. Its that simple. In the amount of time it takes to read these short paragraphs you can complete your registration. Ponder the videos above and below and vote your conscience.....thanks for visiting this site, and May God richly bless this wonderful nation. Our best days may lie a part of a solution!

This Video is absolutely will leave you speechless. Let's get out and vote!

And another video you need to view....

This one is incredible too, unbelievable might be a better description.

How Will Obama protect us ? Hear it for yourself....this is dangerous and a threat to our national sovereignty. Given the world we now live in, is what this man saying safe for us?

Another video you need to see:

What, or better yet who, is responsible our financial troubles and the crisis we now face...? You decide.....Get out and vote and make sure those around you do the same! Thank you again for visiting this site and lets make a good showing in November.

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